The Global Leading Device Manufacturer of 2.4GHz RFID & UHF
The accuracy of Long Range UHF RFID Reader

June 3,2024.

In RFID tracking, "accurate" means two different things. One of them is read accuracy. That is, if you have 10 tagged items, how many tags can you read? If you read 9, your read accuracy is 90%. We also discuss reading location accuracy, which means: if there is a tagged item at a specific location, how accurately can we locate it? Can we locate the item within 10 inches on a map? Below we will address both of these aspects of long range UHF RFID Reader tracking accuracy.

2.4GHz RFID readers' read accuracy depends on the content of the tag, how it is stacked, the type of system used, etc. If you are using active RFID tags, read accuracy is typically 100% because the tag broadcasts its information just like a cell phone. Passive tags are susceptible to interference, and if the signal is blocked by metal, the tag cannot be interrogated. So you may be able to read 99% of the tags on RF-friendly clothing, but not on a Coca-Cola carton in the center of a beverage tray.

Positioning accuracy also depends on the type of RFID system you choose. A passive RIFD system only tells you that the tag is in the read field, so with a passive high frequency (HF) system, you will know that the tag is about 3 feet from the reader. With a passive ultra-high frequency (UHF) system, you will know that the tagged item is 20 to 25 feet from the reader antenna, and probably no more than 10 feet to the left or right of that antenna.

Active tags can tell you that the item is within 300 feet of the reader, but there are also active RFID Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) that can triangulate the tag and tell you its location within 10 feet. Active Ultra Wideband (UWB) systems can tell you the location of a tagged asset to within a few centimeters. This is because UWB systems compensate for what is known as multipath, which affects the ability to determine the location of tagged assets.

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